Schedule a Party Today!
If you have any reason to party, bring it to Elkhorn Esports Academy!
Prices include dedicated bays of up to 30 PCs or 8 X Box Series X consoles and a reserved space in the concessions area for food and drink. Bring your own refreshments or we will be happy to provide pizza, drinks, and tableware for an additional fee.
Seeking a fun break for your employees? Bring your team in for a healthy dose of competition as a team building exercise!
Looking to bring a large group? Reserve the entire space for up to 50 guests. Overnight lock-ins are also available.

Silver Package - $260
Includes 4 Hours of gameplay for up to 10 Players

Gold Package - $540
Includes 6 Hours of gameplay for up to 20 Players.

Platinum Package - $1,000
Includes up to 8 Hours of gameplay for up to 40 Players; Exclusive use of the Academy.